Xdialog Text Pointer
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Reference/Design/View/Xdialog/Xdialog Text Pointer.xml
Xdialog allows you to control the insertion point and selected text in a text control on an Xdialog box. Normally, when you place a text control on an Xdialog box, you bind the control to a character variable. For example:
Javascript - (Touch, Mouse, Pointer Events)
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/mobileJS/index.xml
The "Javascript - (Touch, Mouse, Pointer Events)" section contains a number of event hooks for controls in the UX. Your own javascript can be added to these events and will then run whenever the given event fires. These events are designed for use with mobile devices.
Working with Pointer Arrays
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Xdialog/Working with Pointer Arrays.xml
Pointer arrays (also called "property arrays") allow you to represent "multi-columned" data in an array. For example, for a customer, you have information about the customer's name, address, phone number etc.
RTF Properties
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/RTF/RTF Properties.xml
The table below summarizes the RTF object properties. Use of the following properties requires the pointer returned by the RTF.CREATE() method.
Pointer and Dot Variables
/documentation/pages/Ref/Xbasic/Reference/Pointer and Dot Variables.xml
Alpha Anywhere allows you to define pointer variables with sub-elements, so called "dot" variables. Dot variables can have multiple layers of sub-elements.
Object Pointer Methods
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Data Types/Object Pointer/index.xml
Methods available for object pointers (i.e. dot variables).
Arrays, Object Pointer Varialbes, and Collections
/documentation/pages/Guides/Xbasic/An introduction to Xbasic/arraysObjectPointersCollections.xml
Form or Browse Table Pointer
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Reference/Design/View/Form/Form or Browse Table Pointer.xml
When a form is opened it creates a new session, and it opens the table that it is based on. In the case where the form is based on a set, the Form will open all of the tables in the set.
Retrieving a Pointer to a Control
/documentation/pages/Guides/Xbasic/Xbasic in Desktop Applications/Retrieving a Pointer to a Control.xml
There are several ways to get the pointer to the control. The first way is to use the .CHILD() method and name the control. These examples refer to a button control, but other types of controls work the same way.
Pointer position
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/container/Window Properties/Window_Properties/Pointer position.xml
Specify the window edge that has the pointer icon. If you select 'Auto' the most appropriate edge is automatically selected.